
The Green Daffodil is the brain child of 6 Daffodilians who came up an idea to establish a joint news link source to make all the news of events, activities of Daffodil International University Permanent Campus in one platform. At first they started the idea of covering all the news of Permanent Campus and gradually they are expending into various other sections like higher studies, DIU central activities and national or international educational events. They are working hard days and night to bring this portal a bigger kick to the highest level of open source journalism and availability of news.

"Your support and well wishes is our greats ally"

Team Members

Lead developer and Author

Associate Editor

Mass Media & Communication Relationship

Correspondent (Technology)

Correspondent (Sports)

Correspondent (Entertainment)

→Keep in touch, remain
Green with the Green atmosphere of Daffodil Green Campus


  1. ভাই এইটা ভাল ছিল। ধন্যবাদ ভাই ।

    1. Welcome brother :-)
      →Keep in touch, remain Green with the Green atmosphere of Daffodil Green Campus←
